February News

February is a great month to show some love, and here at American Grooming Academy we are doing just that to one of our most recent graduates! Making a change for the better, pushing yourself and taking the chance to change your outlook on life are all things that potential students worry about. Jessica Larios-Young was no different, but she jumped in feet first, so this month we are showing this graduate some love!


Jessica is a mom. She’s a wife. She has a busy life. She stayed at home to raise her kids but knew that she needed more. Jessica came to American Grooming Academy looking for things most people look for in an education. Can she come and still be able to take care of her kids? Could she afford tuition? What was she going to do after she graduated? Here at American Grooming Academy it’s our job to make sure changing your life is as easy as possible. We have flexible schedules, financing and a curriculum that adapts to your learning style. For all these reasons Jessica choose us for her education and we could not be more proud of this graduate!

image03We caught up with Jessica after a few months and decided to get some answers to questions we always wondered about when new graduates take their first steps on their own, But first we went backwards and asked her what was the best part of being an American grooming Academy student.

“The best part of going to AGA was the environment, it was always easy to fit into the flow of the day, no one is ahead of anyone else, we are all at our own pace, which makes learning less stressful. Also how experience and knowledgeable the instructors are, they have a passion for us as students and for the trade of pet styling and that makes for a great teacher student relationship.”

image04Having up and down days at American Grooming Academy is rare. We strive to make the school and learning environment as close to “Normal” each day with no big changes from day to day. Lecture starts every morning at 9:00 am. Then, hands on work begins. The lectures and the pets in the salon change from day to day but the structure stays the same. Thats why its so easy for people to come on a flexible schedule. We talked to Jessica about her very best day at AGA and we were so happy at this super mom’s response, because being busy was right up her alley!

“My best days were when I was really busy. When I had reached the point in my education where I was working on three or more pets in one day. I looked forward to days like this because it gave me the opportunity to practice my speed and techniques, while keeping me very busy, preparing me for my career outside of AGA.”

Jessica, like most potential students know that they are coming to academy to learn how to “groom” a pet. We are always surprised to hear what students learned but did not expect to learn. AGA’s curriculum not only gives our students an advantage when grooming a pet but also gives them advanced knowledge of breed mentality, parasites, infectious diseases and salon safety.

image00“What I learned that I didn’t expect to learn was the anatomy of a dog as well as what kind of behaviors and warning signs to look for when grooming a dog. Not only does this make me more aware of what the dog is going through but the reasons why they act the way they do.” Jessica was an amazing student here at AGA!

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