August News Story 2016

image02August is HOT. It’s a month when the sun is blazing, temperatures rise and kids of all ages start dreading going back to school! This month at American Grooming Academy we will meet one very special student and his plans for the future.

Dustin Toth had many phone calls to make. He knew what he wanted his career to be, but he took his time researching his options and chose  American Grooming Academy for the place to receive his training for his new career.

image04Dustin worked for years in corporate warehouse jobs, climbing the ranks. He, like so many of us wanted to make his own decisions about his work, schedule and life. He always loved animals. Dustin says “I was always the guy who pulled over when I saw a dog on the side of the road, or a stray dog running around.” Dustin was also smart about his education. He wanted a career that didn’t take 4+ years at university or substantial student debt. So Dustin started researching. He wanted to know everything, financing a business, advertising,regulations,and many other important factors in starting your own business in California. So Dustin found the Small Business Association, which gave him help with free seminars, information packets and a workshop on Quickbooks.

image03When interviewing schools for his education, Dustin knew he wanted some very specific things. He wanted a curriculum written for a working pet stylist, he wanted to be treated like a student and not like a worker. He knew AGA would give this to him when he came to his potential student meeting. He was able to go over the curriculum, talk to the other students and the instructors. He could see the full working kit he would receive as well as understand how a day to day runs at AGA. After his tour Dustin’s choice was easy he knew he wanted to attend AGA for his training.

Being a new student is hard, even with as much research as Dustin did about his business and his education, he was not ready for what a new career would hand him on a daily basis.

“The hardest part about being a student was the first 2 weeks of classes and doing the basics, bathing and clipping. I wanted to do really well and I just remember thinking ‘Oh My God!!! What have I committed myself to?’ However, quickly  after these little ‘freakouts,’ I started to learn the skills and it was all downhill from there. Learning patterns and working on a variety of breeds was so much fun!”

image01When we asked Dustin what he thought was the most interesting thing he learned he stated, “That it is not unprofessional or inappropriate to refuse to groom a dog because of its condition, demeanor or health. My safety is just as important as the dogs safety, and understanding that a pets life and my way of making a living are all essential to a great business and happy and healthy pets.”

Dustin’s plans for the future are BIG.  He is securing financing for a fleet of mobile grooming salons affectionately named after his baby, Baxter’s Mobile Salon. Not only will he eventually be sole proprietor, but he also has plans to finish his Master Certification with International Professional Groomers Association, which AGA holds FREE workshops for,  bi-yearly for their students and graduates students. To help prepare them for their Master’s, Dustin has major plans so he can be in charge of his life and his dreams, that’s what being an AGA student is all about!


Dustin although entering a female dominated world is not worried about fitting in… “I’m very proud to be a gay man and I don’t see any reason to fight any stereotype. I live everyday as me. Personally I see value in that. So if I’m working in a salon and I happen to be the only gay man there, or I’m working in my mobile unit I believe customers are going to remember me more because I’m different!”

As instructors we fall for our students but nothing is better than seeing them succeed and knowing we had a helping hand in that person becoming great. Dustin’s best day came when he was challenged by his own perseverance. “My best day was when I did my long legged terrier pattern on a miniature schnauzer. This schnauzer’s coat was exceptionally matted on its legs and chest furnishings. The dog had a fantastic demeanor and I knew I wanted this dog for my technical. I spent  2 hours rotating between brush, comb and de-tangling spray. I managed to completely recover the dog’s coat without injuring him at all. Then the instructor came over and gave me the greatest compliment, she said that my work was impressive and that once I got out on my own I was going to be very successful out in the field!”

Success is built on those who teach us the best, so if you’re ready for your new career or are just interested in some new information stop by American Grooming Academy for a tour! Back to school is right around the corner!

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